ESET’s Demes Strouthos interviewed in December 2020 Security Adviser ME
Demes Strouthos: 'Multi-Factor Authentication has become the most pertinent security solution in the new normal.'
ESET Middle East General Manager, Demes Strouthos was interviewed in the December issue of Security Adviser ME during GITEX 2020 about the company offerings during the show, and also the challenges for 2021.
According to Demes in the interview, GITEX has always been an important showcase, a great platform for meeting and networking, and an excellent place to launch new products and solutions.
Going onwards, the interviewer asked Demes what the most popular and safest solutions might be in 2021 and his answer was clear: “Multi-Factor Authentication has become the most pertinent security solution in the new normal, as huge numbers of organisations have deployed large-scale remote working, while threat actors have increased their attempts exponentially.”
In the interview Demes talked about the likelihood that employees are using a wide range of devices when at home, and the need to protect these devices. As a result of this, ESET have a full range of endpoint security solutions ready for action, from anti-virus to high-end threat-hunting and cloud-based sandboxing.
Demes explained that front-line ESET products include ESET Remote Workforce Offer, a cloud-based console that uses advanced technology like machine learning, deep-behavioural inspection and a ransomware shield to protect business data. He also highlighted ESET Targeted Attack Protection, a powerful ransomware prevention solution that is augmented by ESET EDR and Cloud Sandbox Analysis.
Read more of the interview online on pages 16 and 17 of the December Security Adviser ME.